Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tips to recover bigger and faster

1. Protein power
Have a shake containing both carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes of completing your workout. Carbohydrates will shuttle glucose and protein into our muscle cells to speed up the recovery process. Protein is essential in repairing and developing muscle cells.

2. Hot & cold showers
Alternating the water temperature during your shower with help release lactic acid from your body and reduce swelling speeding up recovery.

3. Sleep plenty
Get a good nights sleep (8 hours) if your training right and hard enough, your body will release its natural stores of growth hormone to help repair and develop muscles.

4. Get Rubbed up
I good massage post-workout will unlock toxins and relax stressed muscles and improve nutrient transfer through out the body.

5. Stretch
A Post-workout stretch is a great way ease the delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). Also releasing muscles will enable them to be reset to neutral and improve muscle joint flexibility.

6. Water
It is important to keep drinking water up to 3 hours after your strenuous work out, in order to replace lost fluids and keep muscles hydrated.

Put them to into action right away and reap the results


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