1. Eating then sleeping will make you gain fat
Your body doesn’t require as many calories during sleep and calories that are eaten right before sleep have a FAR greater chance of being stored as fat.
2. Skipping meals or not eating for long periods of time will make you fat
Skipping meals will slow your metabolism and you’ll get really hungry.
3. Drinking soft drinks (even diet drinks) with fatty foods will make you fat
A sugary soft drink will result in a high insulin response. Insulin is a storage hormone – it helps the body store carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
4. Constant snacking on energy foods will make you gain fat
Energy that your body doesn't use will end up being stored = fat
5. Toxic substances in your food will make you gain fat
Your body’s reaction to a toxic substance is simple: protection. There are two primary ways the body does this. First, it tries to flush the toxins out. If that fails, it will try to lock the toxins away.
6. Losing muscle mass will make you gain fat
The engine of your metabolism is your muscle mass.
7. Overconsumption of fructose will make you gain fat
Even though fructose is a sugar found in fruit and fruit juice. If your glycogen stores in your liver are full, your body will store fructose as fat.
8. Drinking alcohol frequently will make you gain fat
Alcohol can make you fat in so many ways. One of them being alcohol is preferentially stored as fat and is very efficiently converted into fat in the body.