Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lat Development

Q: Which works the Latissimus Dorsi better, pull-ups or chins-ups?

A: Firstly let me distinguish the difference between these two exercises. A pull-up is an upper body compound pulling exercise where the body is suspended by extended arms, gripping a fixed bar, then pulled up until the elbows are bent and the head is higher than the hands, utilising an overhand (pronated) grip. Now with a chin-up the only difference is that you utilise a under-hand (supinated) grip. While both the pull-up and chin-up target the lats the pull-up wins the contest. If your goal is to enhance that V-tapered look concentrate on a wide variation of the pull-up. Chins are great for working lower lats and biceps, but pull-ups reign supreme for lat width and overall size.

Pull-Up followed by Chin-Up

Peter Mamo
Physique Personal Training
Fitness First Darlinghurst

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lower Back Barbell Row Fix

Problem: If you have lower back issues, then heavy barbell rows are out of the question, as is the latisamus dorsi width and thickness that comes from doing this exercise. So you've been relegated to doing seated cable rows and their variations.

Fix: Head over to the smith machine for the back size you desire without risking lower-back injury. Performing barbell rows on the smith allows you to bottom out the bar on the safety latches, which alleviates the stress on your lower back in the bottom position of the row. Just be sure to keep your knees slightly bent, your lower back arched and your abs tight when performing the exercise. Also inhale and hold your breath as you pull the bar to your midsection for added spinal support.

Alternatively: Take a walk to the incline bench and position it on a 45 degree angle, now grab two dumbbells and lay on the bench face down. From this point begin your horizontal row with each arm working separately driving back with your elbows and pinching those shoulder blades together. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position and repeat.

See you in the Gym!

Peter Mamo
Physique Personal Training
Fitness First Darlinghurst

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